Many people today struggle with the same question that spurred Elliott Brainard to create Brainard’s Natural Remedies: What foods out there can I eat that act as natural antacid remedies?
If you do a quick internet search on “natural antacid remedies” you’ll find a long list of food stuffs mentioned: from almonds, bananas and celery to pineapple, radishes and turmeric. Of course, there’s no guarantee that any one of these will work for your specific situation, but there may be little harm in trying to incorporate one or more of them, in moderation, into your diet.
Here are some things that can be found in many people’s kitchens, gardens or local supermarkets and may be worth a try:
Water: Many of us are aware we don’t drink enough water throughout the day, and that’s a simple change that may have a positive effect. Try to drink between meals, rather than with meals, to avoid making the digestive process less efficient.
Fennel seeds: Chew the seeds or brew a cup of tea from about two tablespoons of them.
Mint: Crush or “muddle” about a tablespoon of leaves and soak them in cold water for half an hour.*
Ginger: Eat it raw, cook with it or drink ginger tea.
Apple cider vinegar: Although this may sound counter-intuitive, it has been shown to help some people. Try taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, followed by a glass of water.
*) Can home remedies have side effects? Certainly. Speak with your doctor about any possible negative effects for your situation or medications. For instance, mint is not recommended for people suffering from acid reflux. And as always, use moderation.
Another option to consider for quick and natural relief of heartburn or indigestion: Brainard’s Blueberry Antacid. Created from natural ingredients like blueberry fiber, fruit extracts and absorbable minerals, it was designed to be a more natural antacid alternative. Brainard’s is based on the discovery that blueberries act as a natural antacid and it is gluten free, non-GMO and vegan. It contains NO calcium carbonate. Try a bottle today from our online store.
Last but not least: some people who have heartburn symptoms often, and for longer periods of time, may have a more serious problem called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD. If you think you may have GERD, please consult your doctor.